Saturday, December 3, 2011

Become Indispensable at Whatever You Do: A Review of Linchpin by Seth Godin

I picked up LINCHPIN by Seth Godin because several of the books for creatives and leaders I've read quote him extensively. Godin is an incredible visionary thinker, and his gift seems to be rethinking how things are done. Specifically, in LINCHPIN, Godin rethinks how people are to survive and thrive in their careers.

In the economy we live in, unemployment is high, so it often seems like everyone is looking for a job. It's difficult to stand apart from all the others who are searching for a way to support their lives and families. For the most, in this type of system, everyone is replaceable. There's always someone else who can do what you do. And replaceability often translates into low pay.

Ideally, everyone would love the opportunity to make a living doing something they love and are gifted at. Something that is uniquely them. Godin's book suggests that the future of employment belongs to those who make themselves indispensable, becoming irreplaceable. This is done by injecting your heart and passions into what you do.

The book is divided into chapters that contain several mini essays, which is to be expected from an avid blogger such as Godin. This format makes the book both easy and enjoyable to read.

The part of the book I resonated with the most is the call to tap into our natural creativity. Godin mentions that all people are naturally creative, but public education often chokes it out of them. That's something I hope to avoid with my own children.

The only drawback of the book is that it all sounds great, but actually putting all of it into practice is seems very risky. Godin, of course, addresses this. As I was reading, it just seemed like there's not a lot of people who even have the opportunity to become indispensable in their job, which is probably why entrepreneurship is becoming so popular.

LINCHPIN is a great read and will definitely get you to think about how you can uniquely contribute to whatever you're a part of.

I received this book for free for review from Portfolio

What do you do to be indispensable in your career?

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