Wednesday, March 27, 2013


WRITING IRRESISTIBLE KIDLIT by Mary Kole explores the themes and techniques used that have made young adult stories like Harry Potter and The Hunger Games a success. Kole is a literary agent who knows the world of kidlit and writes with the goal of empowering writers with the skills to write captivating stories to reach a young audience. And, of course, some of the best kidlit works have crossed over to adult audiences as well.

The book of course features all the standard features of a book about writing fiction, such as plot, character, setting, etc. What makes Kole's book unique and especially helpful to writers interested in writing kidlit is her focus on getting into the minds of middle grade and young adult readers and understanding the themes that resonate with them most. There are even tips on starting your career in writing kidlit. Another helpful aspect to the book is Kole's explanations on the differences between middle grade and young adult stories.

WRITING IRRESISTIBLE KIDLIT is a fantastic book for writers who want to break into the literary world carved out by J.K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyer, Suzanne Collins, and many other lesser known authors.

Review copy provided by FW Media

Writing Irresistible Kid Lit
Barnes & Noble:
Writer’s Digest:

Photo Credit: FW Media

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