Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Review of AN UNSTOPPABLE FORCE by Erwin McManus

Erwin McManus is probably one of the most innovative church leaders in the world. McManus has a clear love for people and helping them to connect with God in a way that changes their lives and helps them to tap into their unused potential. In AN UNSTOPPABLE FORCE, McManus paints a picture of what the church is meant to look like. Having read many books on church leadership and culture, McManus' book is easily my favorite. I love his heart for innovation, the stories he shares, and his vision for a church that honors God and exists as a movement that impacts the world.

One of the most helpful parts about the book is McManus' focus on the culture or ethos of a church and how that ethos is shaped. He gives some great guidance on how to be a cultural architect. His chapter on change in the church is extremely helpful. McManus embodies an incredible trust in Jesus to bring about change in people, and AN UNSTOPPABLE FORCE is about creating the environment and stepping back to watch God do his work.

AN UNSTOPPABLE FORCE is an outstanding book on shaping a Christ-honoring church that sees people as incredibly loved by God. I can't recommend this book enough.

Review copy provided by David C. Cook

Photo Credit: David C. Cook

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