Sunday, October 20, 2013

Review od PAUL AND JUDAISM REVISITED by Preston Sprinkle

Preston Sprinkle tackles the relationship between Paul's and the teachings of Judaism. Specifically, Sprinkle looks at the relationship between divine and human agency in both Judaism and Paul's letters and how Paul is influenced by Judaism's teaching.

Sprinkle shows two perspectives in the Old Testament. One of these perspectives leans heavily on human agency in salvation; the other leans heavily on divine agency. He also looks at the influence of the Dead Sea Scrolls on Paul's theology. Paul's theology highlights God's initiative in salvation.

This isn't so much a book about the debate over divine sovereignty and human freedom as it is about exploring where Paul got his ideas and where he departs from the Judaism of his day. The book also serves to provide a rebuttal to the New Perspective on Paul. It's a theologically deep book, and, as such, requires a lot of thought akd wrestling with the content. Sprinkle is an outstanding communicator, though, and adds much to the discussion.

Review copy provided by InterVarsity Press

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